Monday, January 16, 2012

Sing Sing Winter Festival, Gapyeongcheon

Screen shot from festival website.
This winter has been noticeably warmer than last winter, which of course has caused an absence of snow. This inescapable fact disappoints me greatly. The wonderful world of Facebook notified me of two winter festivals, and suddenly the lack of snow became es-capable! I determined that the Sing Sing festival was the closer of the two. So, with children and husband in tow, off we went for a day of frosty fun!

Turns out, it really wasn't so frosty, but it was cold enough to keep the ice (mostly) frozen to enjoy the following activities: sledding on the river, sledding down a man-made packed snow hill, and a kid four-wheeling on ice. Our last stop was ice-fishing, but alack and alas, we got there too late and the ticket sales were closed for the day. This led to one very disappointed husband, which led to (tentative) plans for the other ice festival, which of course would lead to more interesting blog posts, so it works out for all of us!

She almost took out the tent!
These little four-wheelers were awesome! You speed up, turn the handle, and slip-slide away! I wanted one!

My wonderful hubby doubled as cameraman & the pull-horse!


Attempting to build a snowman; the snow was packed too hard.

And what would a winter festival be without a mule-drawn carriage ride back to the train station? Good times, good times!

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