Thursday, September 13, 2012

Seodaemun Natural History Museum and Hello Kitty Cafe: Sinchon

We're back into school days around here, which simply means more focused outings and a little more sit down table work. I discovered this museum and thought it looked like a good place visit. Off we went, rainy day and all, to the subway. Unfortunately, I forgot to get the name of the museum in Korean. Since we had to take a taxi from the subway exit to the museum, this was a problem. Fortunately, some random, kind, English speaking Korean lady saw I was having trouble with the taxi and graciously and accurately interpreted for me. (Score for the Koreans!)

main lobby
The museum is divided into three main sections, labeled in my own terms: environment, animal history, and geology. There is no English except for the main titles, so I had to figure out and explain it to the girls on my own. (It wasn't that difficult.) The size of the building belies the scope of the exhibits inside. The actual museum displays are not that expansive, but they are very well done.

The above picture is part of the display on land animals. They are all real, stuffed animals. They also a large display of birds, one section being birds native to Korea, and displays on insects and fish as well.

Han River eco-system display

In my opinion it was a great museum and well worth the trip out there. After all this schooling, I decided to treat the girls to the Hello Kitty Cafe, which was located near the subway. HK is popular even among the college age gals here. Hello Kitty fans, eat your heart out.
hanbok Hello Kitties

All the couches and chairs were HK emblazoned. And tables,
and dishes, and food...

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