Oldest child's favorite, (the 'pink princess' as she called her)...
Our oldest loved having her picture taken with the princesses. I couldn't believe the little one actually sat with the 'red princess' (Carrie again) without screaming! And of course she was pretty enough to get her share of attention as well!
When we were waiting for the photo op, the oldest was trying to climb on the bleacher bars & pretending to be an acrobat, and the next night at dinner (we have a 'church supper' for lack of a better term every Monday) she told them she was an acrobat. So I think she was impressed.
I thought this guy was really neat, spinning giant cubes & other things. He would step in & out, like a lasso tricks if you've ever seen that. There was another who had like a giant double hula hoop that he rolled around inside of. I couldn't get a picture of him but he was pretty awesome as well. It was a great show. The husband & I enjoyed it as much as the girls, maybe even more!