I was cleaning up from breakfast & looked out of the kitchen window and saw it: white flakes floating gently down. I tried not to get too excited because it has flurried several times here but never stuck. So every few minutes I would glance back outside and there it was, still falling and now covering the ground. Not wanting to delay any longer and fearful of missing any more flakes I rushed to get the girls bundled up and out we went. It's amazing how infectious excitement is. Emily, having no idea what snow was, was cheering with me to go out, while Carrie took a little more coaxing but eventually got into the spirit. Carrie doesn't remember her first snow, but at the time she was afraid of it, so I was a little apprehensive as to how Emily would react. No worries. She loved it. She just walked around the playground rubbing her (mittened) hands in every pile of snow she could find. At this point it hadn't been snowing long enough to have much built up, but the snow was falling harder and we went inside to warm up and eat and come back out later.
Later, about an inch or so more snow had fallen. I took the girls to "Hill 303" behind our building, where there is also a large public field they use to play sports on the weekend. So we had a whole field of new snow to play on all to ourselves. That was fun. A small snowball fight, some snow angels. Tried to make a snowman but the snow was very fine and powdery so gave up on that. We stayed there for a while then went back down to the playground where some other kids were out now and having a snowball fight. Carrie eventually joined in but by then Emily was so cold and not at all happy about that so we had to go in.
The girls had fun playing and I had fun playing with them too, but I really loved simply watching the snow fall. It was just so beautiful to me. This is only the fourth time in my life that I remember snow and I still get just as excited as any kid about it.
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