We've been so busy with the ordinary daily activities we haven't had much time to be tourists! But this Saturday we went to Dalseong Park in Daegu to see a display of traditional Korean etiquette. When we first walked through the park gate, we saw some 'soldiers' forming up for some sort of march.
They did march off and as we were leaving later we saw them again, although I have no idea what they were doing. As far as I could tell, they were just marching around the park.
Matt said they weren't wearing very warrior like gear, but hey, it was several hundred years ago, what does he know?!
We walked past a few animals in their pens, elephants, tigers, monkeys and such, through the park to where the real show was set up. There were several dance routines and I don't know what any of them were except for the first one, hwagwanmoo, because we had seen it at Camp Carroll. They were really beautiful.
After a few dances they had a game that any kids could come up and play, so I took mine up. Then the little one came running out and stole the whole show! You could hear all the ahjimas in the audience "Oh, iputa! Oh oh!" It was hilarious.
We didn't have time this day to stay for the whole event, but they had dress up that I couldn't miss! I don't care how old a girl gets, it's always fun to play dress up! So we left the show early. Then I even got to be queen for 5 minutes and take a little ride. It was so much fun!
I had a great time and really enjoyed seeing everything. I think we're going to go back again!
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